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How to Log in to MessageDesk Version 2.0 (V2) as an Invited User
How to Log in to MessageDesk Version 2.0 (V2) as an Invited User

Learn how to log in to your V2 MessageDesk account as an invited user.

Jordan Pache avatar
Written by Jordan Pache
Updated over a month ago

1. Check your email after your admin sends an invitation to join a MessageDesk account/workspace.

In your email inbox, you should see a message: "Invitation to MessageDesk"

Click this email to open and view its contents.

What you'll see is the following. This email contains a temporary password that you will use to sign in.

If you can't find this email, be sure to check your spam folder and/or filters.

When you're ready to proceed, click the link.

During the MessageDesk beta-v2 period, we've installed additional authorization protections to prevent bad actors from gaining access to our platform.

To bypass these authorization guards, you'll need to do the following:

1a. See HTTP auth password in your browser

When accepting a new invitation to MessageDesk, you should see a window asking for username and password.

1b. Enter the following credentials

Username: messagedesk

Password: messagedesk@123

2. Enter your email, and temporary password from the invitation email to sign in

3. Change your password to sign in

When prompted, change your password.

Your new password must include:

  1. 1 Lowercase Letter

  2. 1 Uppercase Letter

  3. 1 Number or Character

4. Go back to your email and retrieve a verification code

Copy and paste the 6-digit verification code from your email.

5. Enter your 6-digit verification code

After you enter the code, click confirm.

6. Complete your login to MessageDesk V2

And that's it! You should now land in MessageDesk's V2 inbox. You're ready to start texting.

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