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How Often Should You Text Customers?

When to send texts and how often you should send text messages

Josh avatar
Written by Josh
Updated over 3 years ago

Being new to business text messaging you are probably wondering how often should you text customers. That's why I've put together this quick guide. So you and your team are prepared to not only start texting but to text effectively.

In this article we'll breakdown when you should use texting and how often you should text your contacts during a given month.

Rule of Thumb

Before you know how often to "Hit Send" you must first consider how you captured your contact's information.

Did they sign up explicitly to receive text message notifications? Or did you capture their phone number without telling them you would use it?

If it's the latter, consider sending an initial text that ask them to "opt-in" to further messaging. This way you only message people who specifically opt-in.

Finding your Rhythm

Business operations:

Frequency 2-5 texts over 2 weeks

Does your contact have an active business relationship with your company? Then feel free to text them with timely events reminders or updates such as shipping alerts, office hour updates, and restocking alerts.

Sales and Marketing Messages:

Frequency 2-4 texts per month. 4-6 during relevant seasons

It's best practice to send sales and marketing related messaging during traditional "Buying" seasons. Good example include Labor Day deals, Holiday seasons and other events specific to your industry.

Event Sign-Ups:

Frequency 3-4 texts for 1 month + annual sign up texts

Once someone signs up for an event it's best to text them reminders once the event is 1 month away, 1 week away and then again on the day of the event. It's also good to send texts after the event asking for feedback as well. If the event happens every year, you should also text them annually asking them if they wish to sign-up again.

Content > Frequency

The most important thing to note is that the content of your messages are more important then the frequency.

This means you should prioritize sending messages that match the interests of your audience.

  • Is the message relevant to your audience? Why did your contact sign up for text messages? Are they expecting weekly promotions or just a one-off appointment reminders?

  • Timely? Did your contact sign-up for recurring notifications and alerts or are they just expecting text messages for a specific calendar event?

  • Why did they opt-in? How did you collect your contact's phone number? Did they sign up and specifically say they wanted to receive certain types of marketing or sales promotions?

  • Messaging the right segment? Getting the timing right is just one piece. Are you messaging the right people? Separate your customers into different groups based on messaging wants or expectations. This way you send the right content to the right person

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