What is Carrier Registration?
It's required that all businesses register their SMS Traffic with Carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc).
To learn more about SMS registration (10DLC A2P Registration), watch our quick webinar below:
Or get a quick overview with our downloadable slide show here: 10DLC webinar slides.pdf
What is Required to Register?
Business Information: Website, Legal Address, Industry, TaxID (EIN), Stock Symbol
Proof of SMS opt-in: Opt-in Form, Opt-in information, Privacy Policy
Valid SMS Use Case: Describe use of SMS, provide 3-5 sample messages
Not sure if you meet all the requirements? Take our registration quiz below
How to Register with Carriers:
Navigate to the Settings menu, then the Plugins menu of your MessageDesk account.
Select the Carrier Registration Plugin.
Click on Begin Registration and enter in all of your organization's information!