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Broadcasts Overview
Broadcasts Overview

Sending Group texts without reply all, creating groups, and more with MessageDesk

Josh avatar
Written by Josh
Updated over 6 months ago

What is a Broadcast?

Broadcasts are considered a 1-to-many message. That means that a Broadcast will not create a group message. Instead, sending a Broadcast will create 1-on-1 conversations with each recipient.

To learn more about Broadcasts continue reading or watch the video below πŸ‘‡

Create a Broadcast

If you haven't created a group yet, you may want to to create one before sending out a Broadcast.

  1. Locate the Broadcasts menu on the left side of your screen and select New Broadcast to get started.

  2. Next, you'll need to give your Broadcast a name. Your contacts won't see this when the Broadcast is sent, it is solely for internal use.

  3. Compose your Broadcast with the message you'd like to send

  4. Most importantly, you will need to choose who is going to receive your Broadcast. You can choose a group(s) to send it to and even send it to individual contacts.

  5. Next, choose whether you'd like to Send Now or Send Later to schedule your Broadcast for the future.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Add personalization tags like {{ First Name }} so your Broadcast feels like you wrote the message for each contact.

πŸ’‘Tip: You can click Save Draft in case you want to save your work for later.

πŸ†’ Optional: You can also exclude a particular group(s) or contact(s) who you would like to exclude from receiving the Broadcast.

Create a Broadcast from the Inbox

You can create a Broadcast from the Inbox by using your multi-select in the Inbox.

It's as simple as selecting the conversations you would like to send a Broadcast to, creating your Broadcast, and sending it.

  1. Press the Select button in your conversations list and select the contacts which you would like to send a Broadcast to.

  2. Next, click on the Send Message button where your conversation would normally appear.

  3. MessageDesk will automatically create a temporary group of the contacts you selected to send this Broadcast to.

  4. Follow the steps outlined earlier in the article to create and send your Broadcast.

Create a Group or Contact while Creating your Broadcast

While you are creating your Broadcast, you may not have the Group or Contact created already that you want to receive the message.

If you go to search for a Contact or a Group and you can't find one, you can create one from Broadcasts.

Preview your Broadcast

Once you click Send Now or Send Later on your Broadcast, you will get a preview of your Broadcast.

This will tell you:

  1. How many message credits the Broadcast will cost

  2. How long it will take to deliver (estimated)

  3. What Group(s) and/or Contact(s) it will be delivered to

  4. How many Contacts will receive the message

Broadcast Menu

After you send your first Broadcast, the Broadcasts menu will now be shown whenever you click on the 'Broadcasts' button in your toolbar.

This is where you view all of your different broadcasts and the group they were sent to.


Once you send your first Broadcast, you can click on it in the menu to view the Broadcast report. This is the detailed view where you can see the report about delivery rates, opt outs, and the message that was sent.

You are ready to start creating and messaging your groups now that you have learned how to navigate the Broadcasts module.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will a Recipients see who else is receiving the Broadcast? (Is a Broadcast a group message?)

No, recipients of the Broadcast will not see who else received it. It will appear as a 1-on-1 message from you when they receive it.

What is my Contact Limit?

Based on your plan, you can only send a Broadcast up to a certain number of Contacts. If you've reached your limit, you can split your groups up or upgrade to a higher plan.

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