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What is A2P?

Learn the difference between A2P and P2P messaging and how it impacts you.

Josh avatar
Written by Josh
Updated over a week ago

The reality is, A2P is simply an industry term that often causes confusion.

It's often associated with registration for text messages so that messages don't get blocked by the carriers.

In fact, A2P are types of text messages. The good news is, all messages sent out of MessageDesk are considered A2P messages.

In this article, we'll go over the 2 different types of text messages and what they mean to you.

What is P2P SMS Text Messaging?

P2P stands for person-to-person or peer-to-peer text messaging.

This is the normal texting (including group texts) you do with friends and family back and forth using your personal phone.

Carriers aren’t dramatically changing their delivery standards for these types of messages in 2021. This is because P2P messages get sent and received in relatively low volumes.

These texts are:

  • Sent 1 by 1 without automation

  • Low volume

  • Often are of personal nature (texting family, friends, etc.)

What is A2P SMS Text Messaging?

A2P (application-to-person) messaging refers to texts that get sent using text messaging software.

These messages typically originate from a business or organization. A2P messages can include text alerts, two-factor authentication messages, sales and marketing promotional messages.

A2P messages are:

  • Sent from text messaging software or other application

  • Occur in higher than normal volumes

There are a vast amount of benefits to using A2P messaging as opposed to P2P messaging.

This includes:

  • Send texts in higher volumes.

  • Send media, links, and other attachments without fear of your texts going undelivered.

  • Faster message delivery

  • Higher delivery rates on mass messages

If you are a business or organization that wants to use text messaging, you should be using A2P messaging. Remember, any message sent out of MessageDesk is already an A2P message.

With A2P messaging, you will just need to make sure to register your business so that the carriers can verify your traffic.

Here's How You Register Your Traffic:

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, then the Plugins module of your MessageDesk account. (If you don't have a MessageDesk account get started here instead.)

  2. Or, you can access the registration form directly here.

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