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Automations (Campaigns)

Start, respond and route conversations
Campaigns OverviewAutomation is key. Learn how to set up automated messages and easily gather information and subscribers from your MessageDesk account.
How to Create an Autoresponder TextLearn how to create an autoresponder text based on a keyword trigger in MessageDesk.
Add Contacts to a Group Based on Their ReplyHow to add contacts to different groups based on what they reply to your message with.
How to Manually Add/Remove Contacts from an Autoresponder GroupLearn how to edit autoresponder groups manually.
Autoresponders OverviewLearn more about automating support, meeting confirmations and feedback collection
How to Customize your FormsLearn how to create and use customizable forms in MessageDesk.
How to Embed a Form on your WebsiteLearn how you can embed forms on your website.
Adding Custom Fields to a FormCustomize your Forms with the information you need.
Sending Forms via a Tag in your Inboxhow to send the Contact Form to contacts, how to update contact information with the form, and how to use the {{ ContactForm }} tag
Forms OverviewForms make it easy to generate conversations and create text-subscribers from your website, social media posts or email threads.